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Unleashing Creativity, Embracing Neurodiversity
The Creative Hub is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting neurodivergent artists and their families.

The "I'm An Artist" Creative Hub is the not-for-profit that resides within the I'm An Artist Community Studio in Gaslight Village, Grand Rapids, MI. They live together in harmony and all are welcome within both realms! The Creative Hub was created to devote time and space to unique programming options to those who identify as neurodivergent and offer support and community for families and caregivers. 


We offer a variety of experiences; ranging from open-ended studio sessions, to classes and workshops, as well as individualized art mentorship opportunities with neurodivergent individuals in mind.



We offer a variety of ways to be involved.  From weekly classes and open studio offerings for almost all ages at varying times of day.  We offer opportunities for parents and caregivers of neurodivergent children to connect, build community and learn and create together weekly. We also offer opportunities for volunteers to be trained and offer to support young neourodivergant artists as they participate in our programming.  


Learn more about neurodivergance

Keep up with what's new...

We are always adding new programs and opportunities!

2166 Wealthy St SE  Grand Rapids, MI  49506
I'm An Artist: Creative Hub is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation

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